Laundry Detergent
Place of disposal:
hard plastic container, Barje collection centre, Ljubljana
Final location:
Salomon, Lenart in Slovenske gorice
The packaging arrived at the facility of the Salomon company where waste is sorted and some of the items are forwarded for recycling. The part of packaging unsuited for recycling is used to produce hard fuel from waste that is used in cement plants instead of coal and petroleum products.
Place of disposal:
special waste container, Vrhnika collection centre
Intermediate location:
hazardous waste management centre Saubermacher, Kidričevo
Final location:
Arnoldstein, Austrija
The hazardous waste collected by the Vrhnika Public Utility Company is transferred to the Saubermacher company where they told Oštro that it is collected by its facility in Kidričevo and then sent abroad to be incinerated. Most probably, the packaging was eventually incinerated by ABRG company in Arnoldstein, Austria.
Plastic Bag
Place of disposal:
packaging waste bin, Citypark shopping centre, Ljubljana
The tracking device stopped emitting the signal before it was moved from the place of disposal
Drain Cleaner Packaging
Place of disposal:
collection facility for hazardous household waste, Barje collection centre, Ljubljana
The tracking device stopped emitting the signal before it was moved from the place of disposal
Laundry Detergent Packaging
Place of disposal:
waste bin, Tomšičeva ulica, Slovenj Gradec
The tracking device stopped emitting the signal before it was moved from the place of disposal
Laundry Detergent
Place of disposal:
packaging container at Zoisova cesta, Ljubljana
The tracking device stopped emitting the signal before it was moved from the place of disposal.
Cleaning Product
Place of disposal:
packaging waste bin, Komenskega ulica, Ljubljana
The tracking device stopped emitting the signal before it was moved from the place of disposal
Tin of Bean Stew
Place of disposal:
packaging waste bin, Europark shopping centre, Maribor
The tracking device stopped emitting its signal before we detected a move from the place of disposal.
Mineral Water Plastic Bottle
Place of disposal:
packaging container, Na Kresu, Železniki
Final location:
Draga collection centre
The plastic bottle arrived to the collection center of the Public Utility Company Škofja Loka in the village of Draga, where the tracking device’s battery ran out.
Place of disposal:
packaging waste bin, Petrol gas station, Kozina
Intermediate location:
waste management centre Sežana
Final location:
waste management centre Kostak, Krško
The empty yoghurt bottle was dumped into a packaging waste bin in front of Petrol’s gas station where it was mixed with other communal waste that was transported by a public utility company to the waste management centre in Sežana. There, the mixed communal waste was taken over by the Kostak company, which is in charge of a Krško-based facility for waste processing.
Other Types of Waste
Anuška Delić
Anuška Delić, Katarina Bulatović,
Maja Čakarić, Žana Erznožnik,
Klara Škrinjar, Matej Zwitter
Creative Redesign of Waste
Neža Dali Novak
Photography and Video
Matej Povše, Oštro
Studio Mashoni
Project Supported By
Fritt Ord (via OCCRP)
The Pulitzer Center